Safe Driving

Safe Driving Tips For Extreme Weather

When snow strikes at home in Michigan, it always makes me nervous. According to the Federal Highway Administration, Over 70 percent of U.S. roads are located in regions that receive more than five inches of snowfall annually. And nearly 70 percent of the U.S. population lives in a snowy region. Winter road maintenance accounts for roughly 20 percent of state DOT maintenance budgets.

State and local agencies spend more than 2.3 billion dollars on snow and ice control operations annually.

Furthermore, these road agencies also spend millions yearly to repair infrastructure damage caused by snow and ice.

The best medicine for nasty weather is how you operate your automobile. There are some excellent safe driving tips during bad weather from our friends at CJ Pony Parts below. One of the most fascinating things for me was seeing the safe driving pointers they gave for heat. Living in Michigan, we don’t get the extreme heat – but as I do travel often for my work in the automotive industry, I’m made sure to take note.

What safe driving strategies have worked for you?

*Carl Anthony is Managing Editor of Automoblog and resides in Detroit, Michigan.

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